February 17, 2025

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REL named All-Star on America’s Healthiest Schools list

REL named All-Star on America’s Healthiest Schools list

Robert E. Lee Elementary School is one of 66 campuses nationwide and the only school in Tennessee to receive All-Star status as one of America’s Healthiest Schools for the 2023-2024 school year.  

This recognition is awarded by the Alliance For A Healthier Generation, which celebrates a school’s dedication to supporting the health and well-being of students, staff and families. In total, 879 schools from across 30 states were named to the list of America’s Healthiest Schools, with 66 campuses receiving the All-Star designation, earning recognition in all nine topic areas.  

“We are so proud and grateful to receive this All-Star Award,” said REL Principal Mary Gilbert. “This is a testament to our commitment to the well-being of our students, staff and families. This award would not be possible without the tireless efforts of our community. I want to say thank you to every individual who has dedicated time and effort to our school in order to make this achievement possible.” 

This is the third consecutive year that Robert E. Lee Elementary School has been named one of America’s Healthiest Schools, and the first it has been designated as an All-Star campus. TCS Director of Schools, Dr. Catherine Stephens, shared Gilbert’s excitement and expressed her congratulations

“I am one proud Director of Schools, and this is a milestone that should be celebrated by all Robert E. Lee Elementary students, staff, families and the Tullahoma community as a whole,” Dr. Stephens said. “To be the only school in Tennessee selected an All-Star speaks volumes. The staff and administration at Robert E. Lee Elementary School continually work to create positive and healthy learning environments for all students, and it is wonderful to see their work being honored at a national level.”  

Supporting School Health Services  

Robert E. Lee Elementary School initiated a new awareness program for students with life-threatening allergies, including additional education with substitute teachers. This program included signage available throughout the district in coordination with the district’s Coordinated School Health Director, Gina Bumbalough. 

Each year, students receive hearing and vision screenings, while the majority also receive blood pressure and BMI index screenings. Information on healthy eating habits and increased physical activity is provided in both English and Spanish to students and families. Additionally, the school nurse, Beth Hill, provides valuable medical information to the staff who would need to know about students with chronic health conditions during the school day. General health information is also shared during professional development and staff meetings. 

Implementing Local School Wellness Policy 

Robert E. Lee Elementary School aligns with TCS District Policy, which includes developing, implementing, monitoring, reviewing, and, as necessary, making recommendations regarding physical activity and nutrition policies. REL physical education met and exceeded the state time requirements while using grant funding for additional physical activity equipment for recess and family engagement activities such as the PE Extravaganza and Field Day.  

Improving Nutrition and Food Access 

Before each school year, students tour the cafeteria, meet and greet the staff, and hear important information about lunch choices and nutrition. Additionally, students have the opportunity to learn about and taste new food items and share their opinions. A hard copy of the breakfast and lunch options is sent home with each student monthly. Fifth-grade teachers have also partnered with our high school Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) students to provide a lesson on nutrition and healthy eating.  

The cafeteria allows students to receive breakfast up until 10 a.m. each day. Students interact with cafeteria workers to select items for their food bags to take to class.     

Bolstering Physical Education and Activity 

All Robert E. Lee Elementary students have physical education for 45 minutes four times a week, bonus PE for 30 minutes weekly and recess time scheduled for 30 minutes per day. Special education teachers and the PE instructor, Macie Honey, collaboratively plan for bonus PE. Additionally, REL students participate in a PE Extravaganza, formerly known as Field Day, with parents and community members invited to attend. 

Enriching Health Education 

Health education lessons are integrated into instruction throughout the school year, including during science, physical education, and English Language Arts. Health education topics were also discussed during the school’s career day, by the school nurse and on visits from high school HOSA students. Additionally, the school counselor, Andrea Parson, provides monthly health education during student’s class instruction and individually as needed.  

Strengthening Social-Emotional Health and Learning 

Robert E. Lee Elementary School uses an evidence-based, sequential, active, focused and explicit curriculum: Harmony Social Emotional Learning (SEL). The school’s primary focus has been using everyday practices such as Buddy Up, which pairs different students each week to participate in brief activities, discussions and check-ins. On Friendship Fridays, REL fifth-grade and kindergarten partners buddy up, working together on various activities, games, crafts, reading, reviewing sight words and building and engaging in conversation. This partnership has benefited fifth-graders in developing leadership skills as role models and for kindergarten students who need additional social and academic support. Due to this success, other grades are now working with younger grades, such as third-grade students partnering as buddies with first-graders.  

Additionally, REL fifth-grade students select Harmony Superlatives, allowing them to nominate and vote on those individuals who exemplify empathy, kindness, respect and more. Legendary Lions are students chosen to assist with special activities throughout the school and participate in crafts, learning-based projects, writing and performances.  

Teachers engage students in welcoming each other, sharing thoughts and ideas and participating in community-building activities. The school reviews the data to determine the SEL curriculum’s impact.  

Promoting Tobacco-Free Schools 

The school counselor and nurse developed lessons using state and national informational materials. During Red Ribbon Week, the school counselor discussed the health risks of smoking, played promotional videos and had guest speakers visit the campus. Additionally, student council representatives provided healthy tips for prevention during the morning announcements to reinforce tobacco and vaping prevention.   

Cultivating Staff Well-Being 

Robert E. Lee Elementary School has cultivated staff well-being through several efforts. One of those examples is updating spaces for staff and visitors to have a relaxed and positive learning environment, including making changes to both the teacher lounge and conference room. These updates have comfortably accommodated more staff, so more team-bonding activities can occur.  

Additionally, the REL administration shares a “buddy up” list every Sunday to encourage staff members to check on each other and to express gratitude. Staff members also share weekly important information, where they can highlight shoutouts, staff updates, celebrations, notes, compliments and more.  

Increasing Family & Community Engagement 

School PTO officers and CEO partners collaborate to figure out ways to improve family engagement and student learning. The PTO is active and meets with parents, teachers, and support staff throughout the school year, while school administrators analyze input from families to determine more effective ways to improve family engagement and student learning. This past year, Robert E. Lee Elementary School planned a family bingo night, a winter wonderland dance, a 60-year reunion, a Thanksgiving luncheon, and several educational opportunity nights for students and families to get involved.  

“Our success across the nine key areas is a reflection of the unwavering support of our district, our staff, students, PTO, and many essential departments inside TCS,” Gilbert said. “Several departments in our district made this possible, including nutrition, coordinated school health, SPED, maintenance, technology, and our student support services. I also want to give a big shoutout to our community and CEO partners for their continued collaboration and partnerships with our school.”  

About Alliance for a Healthier Generation 

Healthier Generation’s list of America’s Healthiest Schools remains one of the country’s longest-running nationwide recognition programs honoring schools for achievements in supporting the whole health of students, teachers, and staff. Any school can connect with Healthier Generation to access trainings, resources, and technical assistance by visiting HealthierGeneration.org

Alliance for a Healthier Generation is a leading children’s health organization that advances equitable whole-child health. Driven by our passion to ensure that every mind, everybody, and every young person is healthy and ready to succeed, our work has reached over 31 million young people across the country. To learn more and help make a difference, visit HealthierGeneration.org and join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  


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